Our Gallery

Enjoy Hound's Creek Photos, taken in McDonough, NY and in Chenango County, NY.

Clicking on a photo allows you to see available products and prints featuring that photo.

Wildly Growing Wild Aster
Sunny Day in a Cornfield
Blue Jay in a Snowstorm
Sweet William Catchfly in full bloom
Winter River
Monarch Butterfly on Phlox
nature and landscape prints--sizes and prices vary 11x14 up to 20x16 $12 up to $162.52
Waterfall Bubbles
Pink Peony in all it's glory

Marco the Monarch Butterfly

Haflinger Horse

Flowering Crabapple

Dianthus in summer
Elizabeth the Monarch Butterfly
The Sweetest Sweet Alyssum

Plus so much more!

Orders can be placed at:
♥ etsy.com/shop/HoundsCreekPhotos 
♥ etsy.com/shop/HoundsCreekApparel
♥ https://www.amazon.com/s?me=ASQBYW68EGTT7&marketplaceID=ATVPDKIKX0DER
♥ hounds-creek-photos.myshopify.com/